Sunday, January 15, 2006

Martin Turner backs Hughes for leader

Link Martin Turner today confirmed his personal support for Simon Hughes to be the next leader of the Liberal-Democrats.

"I will do everything I can to help get Simon elected." He said today. "He has three magnificent opponents, any one of whom could lead this party effectively and with vision and energy. But Simon is the pick of the Liberal-Democrats. A man of conscience and integrity, vision, charisma and clarity, he is inspiring, loyal, generous and experienced, and without equal in British politics today."

Martin Turner is Chair of Liberal Democrat Christian Forum and Vice Chair of Parliamentary Candidates Association. His support for Simon is personal. As Party Organisations, neither LDCF nor PCA will be corporately supporting any one candidate.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Statement by the Chair of Liberal Democrat Christian Forum

Link BBC NEWS | Politics | Embattled Kennedy quits as leader
Martin Turner, Chair of Liberal-Democrat Christian Forum said today: "As LDCF, we deeply regret the chain of events which has led to the resignation of Charles Kennedy as party leader. Notwithstanding the personal problems that he recently made public, Charles has led our party well and ably since his election. Among his other achievements he has delivered our two greatest election successes in political living memory.

"We applaud his dignity over the last week. Although we regret the events which led to it, we recognise the imperatives which led him to step down, and applaud his dignity in doing so.

"We also recognise the strength of purpose of Menzies Campbell and Mark Oaten in their earlier declaration that they would not stand against Charles Kennedy. We particularly applaud the way in which Simon Hughes stuck to his guns, putting his role as party president above his personal aspirations, and providing a model for effective, principled service within the party.

"LDCF will not be giving its backing to any of the candidates who will now emerge. This would be completely outside our remit and would not assist the process. However, we will encourage our members to compare the track records and ambitions of all candidates from a Christian point of view."

Shame on us!

Link BBC NEWS | Politics | Embattled Kennedy quits as leader
So. We have done what we thought we would never do: assassinated our leader in a way more fitting for the Conservative party.

Have we gone completely mad? Don't we recognise that squabbling in public has taken away much of the credibility that we have won with so much toil over so many years? And to do it just at the moment that the Tories are extricating themselves and beginning to look like a credible party?

Perhaps we are not all mad. Menzies Campbell and Mark Oaten were absolutely right in refusing to stand against him. And Simon Hughes navigated difficult waters with dignity in putting his role as party president first, and refusing to be drawn on his own aspirations.

And Charles himself has shown dignity in standing down quickly once the situation became untenable.

But if it had to happen, it did not have to happen this way. We have bickered in public. We have shown poor spirit, underhand tactics, disloyalty, and, worst of all, an appalling lack of political common sense.

It must never happen again.

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